Announcing How I’ve Improved My Wellbeing Review

Retrain Brain and Simply-Shine - how I have changed my wellbeing review

This post was updated on 24/03/18

I love how successful the #3forMe Challenge Facebook group has been throughout December. It was great to see so many people getting involved and looking after their health. After the first few days of the challenge, it got me thinking about the wellbeing review and plan I do once a month. Towards the end of the month, typically on the last Wednesday, I sit with no distractions and review my wellbeing goals and plan for the month ahead. I think this is so important to set goals and review them to live an intentional and purposeful life. In relation to wellbeing specifically, I know how important it is to take care of myself and this is now a real passion of mine.  I researched wellbeing further. There are various areas that combine to create someone’s wellbeing, which leads to a well-balanced, happy and healthy life. I have decided to use new areas in my review going forwards. I thought I would introduce the new categories to you, so you are ready and excited for the next post in the series, due out later this week.  I’ve included headings for the areas I will focus on as well as a little explanation/further detail.


Staying curious and engaged in learning new things. Read for learning, read for pleasure. Self-awareness and self-reflection.

I love reading and learning new things. I recently completed the VIA questionnaire and learning was the second quality. The VIA Survey is a psycho metrically validated personality test that measures an individual’s character strengths. Every month in my goal setting session, I am going to assign myself a book to read. My aim is to read one personal development book a month, so 12 in the year. I’ll let you know which books I recommend here on the blog. I may also set a separate learning challenge-let’s see!

I also love reading to escape to another world, the way you can with a great novel. This I think is also good for the soul, more on this later. I will also let you know which novels and other fiction I recommend. Reading is a real passion of mine, can’t wait to share it more with you.

Physical Body

Eat healthy well-balanced meals, drinking plenty of water, exercise, get enough sleep and avoiding harmful habits

Those of you who have been reading my blog for a while, will know that my two main aims are to

  1. Improve energy levels
  2. Reduce body fat

This is a lot easier said than done at the best of times, even more tricky when you add a chronic illness into the mix. My energy levels differ from day to day-or sometimes it is more of a roller-coaster than that and can change throughout the day! I am determined to work through this and discover new ways to improve and maintain my energy levels. To thrive not just survive. This is why I monitor my wellbeing so closely.

Exercise can be a tricky one for me to manage. However, I really do wish to increase the level of exercise I do, to improve my energy levels. This of course should lead to overall better health, including reducing body fat. What I am going to experiment with is creating small goals for the week, two weeks, review, amend etc. When I do this though I also need to take into consideration the other factors that affect my energy levels and concentration levels for exercise.  Negative thoughts and the “evil ego” can deplete my energy levels as quick as switching off a switch.

I have set the goal of 2.5-3 litres of water a day. I feel so much better when I keep hydrated, it is just remembering sometimes!


Our souls are what allow us to feel we are part of something else, something bigger than ourselves. The human soul is what tells the human brain that other people matter just as much as you do. The light force within our individual being.

The soul needs experience to grow and evolve and I of course love the idea of letting my soul shine! When you consume content, you are feeding you soul. Feeding your soul good and wholesome food is as important as doing so for your body

Examples include;

  • Don’t worry about today or tomorrow
  • Don’t wait to be happy, be happy now and enjoy every day.
  • Walk in and enjoy nature
  • Help a random stranger
  • Volunteer for a cause that matters to you

Examples of what I would like to include in my life are

  • Journal every day. There will always be days when I can’t, but aim for this to be the exception.
  • Weekly/monthly reflection
  • Read personal development blogs and listen to podcasts. Since starting this I have become healthier, happier and more productive. Future blog posts may include links to my favourites.


The relationships we have and how we interact with others. Being socially engaged, having a strong social network

Social interactions improve overall wellbeing. Who doesn’t feel good after a catch up and giggle with friends. Spending time with friends is so important to me. As I work from home, interaction is valued even more! I aim to see friends perhaps twice a month and have contact with friends several times a week.


Taking care of your global environment and your physical surroundings. De-cluttering a room, recycling rubbish and selling or donating items that no longer serve you, can all help your health.

It feels like there are many things I would like to change about my environment at home! When thinking about this, I need to be careful that I am being realistic and not slipping back into perfectionism! I truly believe that when you are happy with how your home feels and functions, it can be your sanctuary, somewhere to rest and ultimately enjoy living.

There are a few home improvement projects I would like to tackle in the foreseeable. There are items to go to charity shop, office bookcase to tidy, a better solution for x or y. To maintain a clean clutter-free home-it is continuous process, so lots to do, as well as write about.

So there it is, the new format for my wellbeing review. I would love to hear your thoughts. Comment below or contact me on social media.

Take care of yourself and others


  1. […] my previous blog post, which you can read here I explained that I have expanded the dimensions I look at. I’ve included headings the areas I […]

  2. […] Today is my Well-being Wednesday! The first Wednesday of the month where I share my plans for my well-being and self-care for the month ahead. I’ve recently set up a new format for this, you can read more about this here. […]

  3. […] Today is my Well-being Wednesday! The first Wednesday of the month where I share my plans for my well-being and self-care for the month ahead. I’ve recently set up a new format for this, you can read more about this here. […]

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