Finding Your Way to Start the New Year

start the new year-Retrain Brain and Simply Shine

Do you feel under pressure to set new year’s resolutions or goals, similar to what you are seeing other people are setting? Does it make you feel overwhelmed or worried? Maybe it feels like everyone else has their plans figured out but you don’t. Finding your way to start the new year might help you to feel content and confident to go forward.

In this blog post, I’m going to be bringing you 5 ways to find your way to start the new year. You may feel more content and calm in learning what is right for you. 

1. Have some rest-no really.

Perhaps the Christmas and New Year celebrations have left you worn out. If you start the new year fatigued and running on empty, it will be much harder to start the new year with enthusiasm. Listen to your body and if you need to rest that is absolutely fine.

2. Live at your pace

We all unique human beings. You might see others that also have a chronic illness, but that doesn’t mean their life is the same as yours. Our illnesses are as individual as we are. 

Comparison is the thief of joy. 

This is probably a phrase I’m going to use A LOT in 2019. This quotation, from Theodore Roosevelt, argues that comparing your work, your life, or whatever else will only serve to make you unhappy. It is such an important reminder that we are all playing this game of life at our own speed and in our own way. 

3. Take a break from social media

What you see on social media, isn’t reality. You see a snapshot of someone’s life and very rarely does someone say if they’re struggling or haven’t got something done when they’d planned to, for example.

If you need to, have some time away from social media, (or certain people). That way you are having a break from what they are doing and being bombarded with their ideas, it gives you time to form your own thoughts. 

4. Do you need to set goals?

Do you feel you have to set goals because that is just what is done this time of year? People might be asking you what your new year resolutions are and you want something to say? If you want to set goals just so that you can say you have goals, you’re setting them for the wrong reasons. 

5. When you’re ready…..

When your mind is clearer, find some quiet time to think about what you would like from the year ahead. Perhaps light a candle and play some relaxing music in the background and take a few deep breaths. Then take pen to paper and write. Here are a few topics you might want to think about:

  • Health and Body
  • Emotional. Spiritual & Personal Growth
  • Social and Fun
  • Family and Friends
  • Community & Giving


I hope you have found this post helpful. I am going to be focusing much more on mindset, learning and of course retraining your brain. If you have any particular topics that you would like to read about, leave a comment to tell me more. 


  1. I love your suggestions for topics to set goals for!

  2. I totally agree like anything it should be for the right reasons and you should set goals only and if you are ready I set some only recently actually x

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