How I made time for me in December

Retrain Brain and Simply-Shine - December 2017 Well-Being Review

This post was updated on 15/06/21

Welcome to the final wellbeing write up for this year-what a crazy thought. Not only have I really enjoyed writing these, the process of reflecting on the past month and planning for the month ahead really helps keep me accountable. It also helps me to pace my tasks throughout the month and plan in self care. So I’m definitely going to continue this theme into next year. So let’s go through this month’s…

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Health and Fitness

I hadn’t weighed or measured myself for a while, time slipped away that’s all. However I have noticed what I tend to do is have a little treat every now and again, I’m doing well so I little thing is ok. (Not necessarily great logic, I know, but I’m not a Saint). I am so much better having guidelines to follow, which might include say two indulgences a week, but I am monitoring it, rather than a different day and another little something, then a different day and another little something, then a different day another little something etc. So I decided to go for it and weigh and measure myself. I was pleased to discover I’d lost another kilo! I’m very pleased with that considering I hadn’t been watching what I was eating closely. It makes you think though, what could I achieve if I do?

In my last update, which you can read here, I talked about needing to try something different, to kick start my metabolism and then increase energy levels. I found a three day smoothie detox online and decided to go for it. I had the most energy in those three days than I had in a long time. I felt so good physically and mentally that I wanted to keep it up. I searched for green smoothies for health and energy and found Green Thickies   A green smoothie with added ingredients so that it is a complete meal. These filling nutritious energising green smoothie recipes will help you to naturally reach your ideal weight.

For such a long time, I’ve been looking into how to increase energy levels with a chronic illness and not found anything that makes a difference. Green Thickies work. They are so easy to prepare, which you can do in advance, perhaps when you feel a bit better. They taste delicious and fill me up. For when I am not feeling very good, they are also really easy to eat rather than struggle with a knife and fork etc. So my current plan is to have a smoothie for breakfast and another for lunch and then a balanced healthy meal in the evening. The only snacking I do during the day is on a small handful of almonds or a piece of fruit but I do find myself not getting hungry in between meals; that’s a first! I feel such a difference since starting on the Green Thickies. If you are intrigued to try it yourself, have more energy and lose weight too, follow Green Thickies 7 Day Diet Plan to drop a dress size this week. Click here to find out more

When you’ve found something that works, why would you then stop?

As far as my fitness and exercise, I have taken the pressure off myself for a while. I find it frustrating when my energy levels differ from week to week or even day to day. I know this is true for most people to some extent, but with my health condition it could mean that energy levels could suddenly change and can’t manage an exercise routine I could do a few days previously. So for now I have stopped thinking in those terms and the two forms of exercise I am focusing on are walking and Yoga. I am going to continue this for December and review at the end of this month.



December is always a busy time for socialising, seeing friends and family this is true for most people, but there are also four family birthdays in that time, mine included! I am still close to a group of friends from school, which is so lovely. I have a friend whose birthday is the beginning of December. So we tend to arrange a joint birthday meal out between our birthdays.

I very nearly couldn’t go this year. I was feeling quite lethargic/fatigued earlier in the day. I always like looking out for triggers so that I can learn from them, however there wasn’t anything immediate, apart from a tiring couple of days. So I wasn’t expecting to be lying on my bed, still in casual clothes, half an hour before due to leave. I contacted my friends and there was an offer to pick me up-how lovely. When we got to the restaurant, my friends were so understanding. I get quite embarrassed when I have symptoms. One ordered a drink for me, as my speech was slurred and unclear and another held the menu for me. That same friend then helped by dishing my food up as hand was weak and starting to tremor. A few minutes after the food arrived, I started a revive a little and I really enjoyed the catch up. I am very lucky that I have such understanding and supportive friends.


I have a book recommendation for you. The book I read last month  Now Is Your Chance: A 30-Day Guide to Living Your Happiest Life Using Positive Psychology by Niyc Pidgeon. For so long we have been focusing on external factors instead of relying on ourselves to feel and be happy. Each chapter includes real life lessons, practical tips or a spirit-led mantra presented in a easy to read format.

Working on my quest to read Adele Parks’ books, on my Kindle I am currently reading. Actually writing this, I realised I have two or three books on the go at the moment! Definitely want to create more time for reading in the new year…


So there you have it, and update from me on my wellbeing. Next month’s review is going to take on a different format. I’m really excited by it and can’t wait to share it with you. In the mean time I would love to hear what you are doing for your wellbeing and self care.

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