This post was updated on 15/06/21
Well here we are at the end of August already. The month has flown by, with lots of exciting things happening. It has probably been a little too hectic but sometimes we all struggle with how to get the balance right! What has perhaps taken a back-seat is my health goals, for various reasons. So my mind has turned to the month ahead. Energy flows where attention goes. So I am focusing my energy on Project GTF, and how to ensure September is a month to retrain my brain and simply shine!
Step Count
This is ongoing. My current goal is 6,000 steps a day. In July I was meeting the number of steps once or twice a week and the same for the first two weeks of August. Then I turned a corner-metaphorically! I had a 6 day streak of doing at least 6,000 steps a day; one day when we were away in Cornwall it was nearly 11,000! However that was exceptional as unfortunately I don’t get to take walks on the beach or out to dinner every day. I am going to keep my step goal at 6,000 for September and see how I get on. The more steps I can do, the better it is for my health generally and possibly for weight loss too. My aim with this is to increase to and maintain 10,000 steps a day but I have to do this at a pace I can manage.
Plan Meals
This helps tremendously. By planning, I can ensure the meals are healthy, balanced -help with energy-boosting. Keep the meals simple and quick to prepare. So if I am short on energy, or either one of us are busy, then can still get a healthy meal. I will plan out, print and pin to the kitchen noticeboard. That way Gareth can see too.
I really enjoy Yoga; it gives such a wonderful relaxed feeling. Then after a class I feel I can take on the World. Or curl up and do nothing based on if my symptoms are playing up-but let’s think positively! Unfortunately my Yoga practice is something that has slipped, for various reasons. So one of my wellbeing goals, is to add this back into my morning routine.
Increase exercise levels
As far as workouts, including walks that have counted, for the last couple of months that only happened a handful of times. I do want to build back up but it can so difficult to do, from both a mindset and energy level. However just reflecting on my step count improvement in the last couple of weeks is really encouraging. It is really useful to see the data stored on my Fitbit app, as I can monitor progress. I miss other exercise and would love to make it a regular feature of my week again. But how do I get there. Well I need to build up slowly, as anyone would with fitness goals but even more crucial when you are trying to manage energy levels with a chronic illness. I have decided to try a three step process, only moving on to the next when I can:
- Meet step count and Yoga
- Home workouts
- Gym workouts
What do you think about this approach? Would it work for you?
In a post on my other blog, Simply Shine I wrote a post about using a Daily Greatness journal and how beneficial it is to plan and reflect every day. I would like to see if this would work for Project Get Tina Fit too. There is a fitness version of the journal which I’m going to use for this purpose. Even if I don’t initially use all of it. Start recording what I am doing per day, so I can see progress.
In the next post in this series, I’ll write about the training journal in more detail-what it contains and how I have got on using it so far. Make sure you come back then to find out more.
If you are already tempted to try a Daily Greatness journal-I have a voucher code for 5% off with this link
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